Developed a financial analytics solution for a leading NGO that aims to eradicate HIV, malaria, and TB.


Enabling Financial Officers to Fast-track their Budget Analysis Process

Our client aims to automate and fast-track financial officers’ mundane budget analysis work using an analysis tool.

Meet Our Customer

A global NGO player that raises and invests US$4 billion annually to fight the deadliest infectious diseases in more than 100 countries. Their motto is to ensure a healthier, safer, and more equitable future for all.


Operational Challenges:

  • As a part of the broader digital transformation initiative, our client wanted to modernize the analytics functionality within the organization.
  • The organization’s budget analysis process relied heavily on offline MS Excel-based platforms.
  • To consolidate budget records from multiple finance teams to enable unified analytics.


Schematic representation of analytics workflow


Zuci’s Approach to Building the Analytics Platform

Our engineers developed a sophisticated multi-layer data flow architecture to enhance the budget analysis process for finance specialists.

Layer 1 – UI Layer

We created a web-based interface enabling finance specialists to upload their budget input files.


Layer 2 – Integration and Processing

  • The uploaded data is processed through the Streamlit app. This app provides a convenient way for users to handle data operations without extensive programming, empowering finance specialists to manage data efficiently.
  • Data manipulation, transformation, and processing were performed using Azure Data Bricks.

Layer 3 – Single Source of Truth

  • Post-processing, we stored the data on a dedicated finance analytics mart. This component ensured data integrity and served as the centralized repository from which data analysis views are published.


Layer 4 – Consumption Layer

  • Now, the analytical insights are visualized in the budget analysis dashboard. The dashboard offered various views, including the overview page, macro-level budgetary analysis, financial analytics, financial execution levers, and advanced business triggers.
  • The tool also enabled download data analysis reports in PDF format.


Business Outcomes:

  • Our analytics platform reduced the end-to-end budget analysis process from 10 days to less than a day.
  • We leveraged Tableau for data visualization, enriching the analytical experience by offering dynamic dashboards that provided comprehensive insights. This integration empowered stakeholders with a deeper understanding of the data, facilitating more informed decision-making processes.


Tech Stack


Want to create robust insights of your organization’s data across platforms? Get in touch with Zuci Systems.