
Keerthi Veerappan

Lead Marketing Strategist

An INFJ personality wielding brevity in speech and writing.

QTP/UFT Vs Selenium Vs Cucumber

While you cannot expect test automation to perform all the tasks done by a tester, automated testing is still the best option out there.

4 statistieken om softwarekwaliteit te meten

Het testen van software is een complex proces en het vaststellen van de juiste statistieken om het succes ervan te meten, is een uitdagende taak op zich. Bovendien kan het grote aantal beschikbare meetwaarden voor softwaretests het moeilijk maken voor testers om de meest geschikte te selecteren.

Zen-momenten maken

Het was weer een gewone werkochtend met Jana, onze CTO en het team in de vergaderruimte. We bespraken de voortgang en updates van ons engineering management platform - HORUS.

Best 7 CI/CD Tools You Must Know In 2025

The CI/CD tools that are there in the market provide developers the necessary features to deploy the code continuously. They are also adept at detecting bugs early, and thanks to frequent committing of source code, the CI/CD tools help avoid integration problems too. Let us look at some of the most popular CI/CD tools that are used by programmers in 2021.

Maker + Manager = Zengineer

A zengineer’s schedule doesn't fit into a typical 9-to-5 window, and we never really know when a zengineering moment can hit someone!

Crafting Zen Moments

It was just another usual work morning with Jana, our CTO and the team in the conference room. We discussed the progress and updates of our engineering management platform- HORUS.

4 Test Automation Metrics For Your Project

Automated testing metrics quantify the performance of the automated test process. You need to have clearly defined goals to measure the progress of your automated testing efforts. When you follow certain KPIs and metrics, you will be able to efficiently evaluate the success rate of the deployment, error rates, etc.

What Are The Different Types Of Manual Testing?

While automated testing saves you a lot of time, there is no underestimating the power of manual testing. In this article, we are going to look at the different types of manual testing and the kind of difference which each of them make when conducted efficiently

The Essential Software Product Testing Checklist

The software testing process involves a lot of planning and preparation. This article is a small guide on the essential software product testing checklist that will help with your testing process.

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