Keerthi Veerappan
Lead Marketing Strategist
An INFJ personality wielding brevity in speech and writing.
Top 10 new technology trends for 2025
Technology is evolving at such a rapid pace that it is impossible to predict how the next ten years will turn out. On top of that, the pandemic has accelerated the need for increased digitization and automation.
4 Metrics To Measure Software Quality
Software testing is a complex process and establishing the right metrics to measure its success is a challenging task in itself. In addition, the sheer number of available software testing metrics can make it hard for testers to select the most suitable ones.
How Performance Testing Is The Key To Digital Transformation
At this moment, each of the businesses is at a digital war, trying to create the highest degree of software product development much faster than their competitors to reach the market first and grow their business.
Mobile Application Testing – Insights Into Testing Platforms And Challenges
Users' chance of abandoning a mobile app is as quick as the app is being developed—the foremost reason being issues in the "quality" of the application.
A brief guide to testing in DevOps
Fundamentally, testing in DevOps aims to strike the right balance within the overlap of goals, feedback cycles, skills among the development, QA and the operations team.
A Quick Introduction To API Testing
If API's working is at fault and error isn't detected, it is highly probable to break an entire application and network of business processes anchored on it.
What Is Shift-left Testing And, Why Is It The Next Big Thing?
As you can see, testers do not get involved in the early stages of software development such as requirement gathering or the design or the development.
Recap of Episode 1 “சூரரைப் போற்று (Praise the warriors) with Sridhar Vembu
A quarterly conversation series with Founders/CEOs For the inaugural episode, we invited the Founder, CEO of ZOHO Corp, Sridhar Vembu and, he gladly graced the event.
Top Software Testing Trends To Follow In 2025
As more and more companies across industries begin to realize the importance of the need for software to keep their businesses going, it goes without saying the need to test such software that is being created.
7 Steps To Optimize The Cost Of Software Testing
Software testing can prevent errors that can prove costly to fix, resulting in avoidable and exorbitant expenses later