Keerthi Veerappan
Lead Marketing Strategist
An INFJ personality wielding brevity in speech and writing.
Performance Testing: What To Keep In Mind
The big challenge to performing the test is the test environment. QAs should carry the test on real or production-like environments
4 Key Pillars For Financial Services To Boost Digital Lending
Four key pillars of digital lending which point out how to drive your digital customer journey.
5 Continuous Testing Practices: Secret Sauce To Digital Transformation
The most common and often repeated word of recent times is “Digital Transformation”. Companies that want to deliver software faster and better to customers take this route to stay ahead of the competition.
“Your Privacy And Security Are Important To Us”
Applications are your Business; Secure your Business.
Do You Have Production Issues? Then, You Are Doing Well.
Production issues are a black swan. We classify them as unknown unknowns because we can’t guess what had gone wrong until it has happened, and they usually carry an extreme impact.
Learnings From Our AI Webinar On QA
The 1-hour live session had 90+ attendees registered, and 25% of them watching it live.
DevOps And Test Teams Burnout: Fixes And Releases
According to Gartner, 95 percent of applications running in production today are not instrumented.
We Don’t Take Production Logs Seriously, Do we?
We have tools to analyze production logs and many companies use that data derived from logs for decision-making purposes, i.e. logs enable them to take decision by analysis the past patterns in the production
Method Fattiness | Why It Is Important?
What constitutes a method in programming is the number of classes. Methods, classes are all made up of lines of code. What happens when your method is fat?
Do You Measure Your Engineering Grit?
How can hundreds of engineers who contribute to software development every single day know how their work is making a difference to the business? How can they measure performance improvement for the number of code check-ins they do every day?