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Mobile App Plugins for successful Mobile Apps in 2023

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What is an app plug-in? 

Plug-ins are an add-on to an already existing app or website that expands its functionality by leveraging an application’s code. In short it works on top of an application or inside the host program to add a new ability or function. They are ready-made modules that can be plugged in to enhance an application. 

So, which are some of the plugins that can strengthen your apps’ performance? Read on.


The main function of the Flurry plugin when integrated with your app is that it gives you significant insights with respect to app usage on Android and iOS devices. Insights can be in terms of sessions, events or audience.  

Under sessions it tracks new users, active users, time spent on the app, retention. For events, this plugin tracks specific user events such as purchase of an item. It also provides an overall understanding of your audience demographic with the help of information such as their age, gender, geographical data and even their mobile device including the OS version. Tracking sessions and events gives you a fair understanding of how often users open your app, spend time on the app and their retention rate. Thus, Flurry makes the app more data driven allowing the developers to make modifications to make it more user friendly and engagement driven.  

Flurry is a lightweight SDK that can be easily integrated within 5 minutes. Once integrated, it provides free app analytics and thereby offers valuable insights which consequently enhances user experience and improves retention. 

Don’t forget to check out the latest customer experience trends here. 

2. Scriptcase

Scriptcase can be installed locally or on a web server and can be accessed from a browser. It allows multiple developers to work on it at the same time simultaneously through a local network or the cloud. It comes with a powerful PHP generator that enables you to develop fast and secure apps in a cost-effective manner. Its high-performance servers offer better performance in an already generated app. Moreover, you can integrate one or more databases to create a user-friendly interface.  

Scriptcase is a powerful plugin tool for integrating: 

  • Charts that come with customization 
  • Reports complete with dashboards, charts and pivot tables for efficient data analysis 
  • Simple and advanced web forms 
  • Dashboards with KPIs relevant to a business 
  • Secure systems through Security Module to prevent unauthorized access 

Scriptcase allows personalization of applications with the help of ready-made as well as customizable themes with Google fonts and vector icon library. It’s touted to have one of the most efficient web development environments. 


Want to keep your users connected even when they are offline? Use Webpushr, one of the widely used plugins for web push notifications, loved by marketers all over. With this plugin user can send notifications to visitors on browsers as well as apps. They need not be actively using the mobile app in order to receive the notification. 

Again, the integration just takes a mere 5 minutes. Notification prompts can be custom designed as per user needs and all languages are supported on this plugin. It comes free for small businesses with less than 10000 subscribers. If you’re currently using any push provider, customers will smoothly migrate to Webpushr post integration.  

It comes at an affordable price and is capable of scaling as the business grows. It is one of the plugins that is supported by all browsers and offers powerful segmentation of your audience to send highly personalized messaging based on user interest. 

4. PhoneGap Build

PhoneGap has a repository of plugins that are as immensely popular as they are useful. It is an open-source distribution by Cordova with which one can develop apps locally with required modifications on the integrated mobile device. Let’s look at some of the most commonly used ones.  

  • Status Bar – This plugin lets you control the way you want the status bar to look, change its display or even completely remove it. However, this is available only for iOS devices
  • PushWoosh – With this plugin you can send push notifications to the app on Andorid or iOS device. Thus, you save by not having to pay for any third-party service
  • Barcode Scanner – The post pandemic world has seen a rise in usage of QR codes. This plugin helps you to scan any QR code and others for the desired result
  • GA Plugin – Google Analytics plugin lets you connect your Google Analytics account to the mobile app. With this you get records of user information and can even design custom events for any user action


All this and many more plugins can be used or managed from the PhoneGap library. This enables easy addition, edit or deletion of such plugins. Any modification made locally will instantly reflect on the mobile device without having the need to sign-in again. All this along with its ability to support multiple platforms makes this plugin a hit among developers.  


5. CKEditor

Text editors are basically provided with operating systems, and can be used to change configuration files, documentation files and programming language source code. CKEditor is an enterprise-grade HTML editor that is an innovative text editor with many custom features, huge documentation base and excellent customer support.  

It is backed by a strong architecture that provides real-time collaboration like responsive images, PDF files or videos in alignment with the content being used. The UI features provided by this plugin is near perfect. It also offers timely software and technical support by the QA, Development and customer care teams. CKEditor is not just an interface that one can use to write but a component with well-documented API that allows developers to write custom features on top of it.

Check out this interesting case study on how Drupal saved its users millions of hours with the help of  CKEditor 

6. File Manager

A plugin that’s responsive and easy to use. By organizing your documents, it helps you keep track of the important files for your website. It’s a time saver for developers, bloggers and even online entrepreneurs.  

This plugin gives you the liberty to upload, edit, zip, delete, copy, paste or download files and folders as needed. With the latest integration, it also displays detailed information once you click the file. File Manager can review codes before files are saved thus ensuring that the codes are updated. There is no need to manage the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) or move the file, as it is taken care of by this plugin.  

7. Social Media Widget

No platform has grown and emerged as successful as social media in the last couple of years, especially when it comes to marketing of your business. Social media interaction is all about sharing engaging content effectively across social networks.  And this is where social media widgets come in, playing an important role by engaging users, increasing reach and converting prospects. Although multiple social media widgets exist in the market as of today, we will look at some of the popular ones.  

  • Get Social – This is a plugin tool that shares insights regarding which content or product of yours is popular with the customers and readers 
  • AddThis – It has a new feature that allows ‘Social Follow’ buttons to be displayed anywhere on the website. AddThis displays popups to visitors in line with their search and also recommends related content to keep the readers hooked 
  • – This can be set up easily to integrate any of your social media platform and display its content on your site 
  • Simple Social Icons – A commonly used widget where you just need to link the profiles, by adding the URL of your social media account like Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc. The icons can be customized and arranged on the page as per your requirement. 

This plugin accelerates your traffic, drives engagement resulting in identifying more leads and eventually converting them as customers.  


In this digital era, it’s important to have the best mobile app for your business to stay ahead. At Zuci we have a team with exceptional knowledge of advanced technologies to design innovative mobile app solutions. Contact us today.  


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