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Mobile Application Testing – Insights Into Testing Platforms And Challenges

Lead Marketing Strategist

An INFJ personality wielding brevity in speech and writing.

Consumers downloaded 204 billion apps in 2019—and that number continues to climb (excluding reinstalls and app updates). As a matter of fact, having a mobile presence is no longer a choice but an imperative to survival for companies across industries.

Also, with the pandemic’s dawn, there’s been no dearth of the number of mobile applications spurting every day. From developing apps to help with online doctor appointments, e- games, e-learning to checking one’s wellness, and what not, companies have almost made it possible to cover our entire lifestyle in mobile applications & devices.

However, one crucial factor to be taken seriously is that users’ chance of abandoning a mobile app is as quick as the app is being developed—the foremost reason being issues in the “quality” of the application.

Today, users have multiple touchpoints to access an app and expect to be delivered a flawless experience across all touchpoints. This is why it becomes necessary to highlight the significance of end-to-end testing of a mobile app before it reaches the user’s hands.

Here’s an infographic representing mobile testing platforms, some stats to mind and, an overview of mobile testing tools available for both android/iOS, it’s features to help companies compare and choose testing tools based on their needs – Access here

Get our mobile app testing experts to evaluate how your app performs in real-life conditions.

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