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How to Kickstart Test Automation from Scratch?

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Minna is a content developer specializing in software testing and Robotic Process Automation (RPA). She enjoys exploring the intricacies of cutting-edge software and knits comprehensible content that resonates with the audience. PS, she is a book lover.

Imagine a tester spending hours in front of a screen manually executing each test case. It’s a tiresome and exhausting process that limits a tester’s ability to focus on other important aspects of their role, such as identifying new gaps in delivery and predicting the unexpected. Automation provides a solution to this challenge. However, transitioning to automation requires careful planning, including determining what to automate and what not to automate.

Challenges of kickstarting Test Automation from scratch

Bringing in automation is not a small game because it is a double-edged sword, as it can either break or build your software’s quality. Therefore, one should be aware of the major pitfalls beforehand. Let’s see what those are:

  • Lack of documented business requirements
  • Not having appropriate testcases
  • Lack of clarity on automation prioritization and strategy

Now we know the common challenges for starting test automation from zero, what about its solutions?

Here we go!

Start small and simple

100% automation is attainable, but will that promise 100% coverage? Not really, because not every part of the application is stable enough as it evolves with various customer requirements. Therefore, don’t try to automate everything all at once. The first step is to start with a few simple tests and then gradually add more tests as you go.

So how do you find the simple uncomplicated ones?

Look out for repetitive tasks within the testing process which are also time-consuming, error-prone when performed manually. These tasks are prime candidates for automation. You can even list out the automation scenarios that are planned for initial stages and get it approved by the stakeholders so that it also covers their point of view.

Prioritizing Test Cases

Not all test cases are created equal. It’s important to prioritize test cases that offer the highest return on investment. Focus on the following:

Smoke Tests: Basic tests to check the most crucial functions of your application.

Regression Tests: Ensure new code changes do not introduce unintended side effects or break existing functionality.

High-Risk Functionalities: Parts of the application most likely to fail.

Include regression testing for ensuring that new code changes do not introduce unintended side effects or break existing functionality. Automation can expedite regression testing by re-running test cases automatically whenever changes are made to the codebase.

Have a look at how Zuci ramped automated regression test suite for a managed content service provider

Consider performance and load testing, if your application needs to handle a large volume of users or transactions, automation can assist in conducting performance and load testing to ensure that the system performs optimally under high loads.

Think beyond functional testing because some functional scenarios involve complex logic, intricate workflows, or frequent changes, making them difficult to automate effectively. Therefore, consider other types of testing that can benefit from automation, such as security testing, accessibility testing, and compatibility testing.

Plus, leverage your existing knowledge and experience If you have any experience with the application or the business domain, you can use this knowledge to identify the most important tests to automate considering the impact on business and end user’s accessibility. Tools like OWASP ZAP for security testing and Axe for accessibility testing can be integrated into your automation suite.

Next comes,

Choosing the right test automation tool

There are certain questions to be asked when it comes to selecting the right test automation too.

Does the tool support the Operating System/Browser or Device in which your application runs?

It starts with identifying and understanding your project requirements in depth. According to your application type – desktop based, browser based, and mobile based you can choose the best out of the existing options. Tools like Selenium for web applications, Appium for mobile applications, and WinAppDriver for desktop applications are popular choices.

Does the tool support the technologies and third-party controls used in your application?

Technology compatibility is another prime concern when it comes to tool selection. For that, you need to sit with your developer and understand what technologies are being used in the application. Once that’s done, you can choose the tool that supports similar technologies.

“Test automation tools that sync with the development environment is much helpful. For example, if the web app is developed in C sharp, writing test automation code in C sharp is beneficial because the logic is easy to understand and when we are stuck, developers are ready to help.” – Sujatha Sugumaran, Director of Quality Engineering

What is the role of a team’s expertise?

Before using any test automation tool, you should learn it first. This will help you leverage its potential on your application. If the team is proficient in a specific programming language or framework, such as Java, selecting a test automation tool that supports that language can streamline the learning curve and implementation process. This alignment reduces the time and effort required for the team to become proficient with the tool, enabling them to leverage its features more efficiently in the testing process.

How to evaluate test automation vendors?

To evaluate test automation vendors effectively, start with thorough research on various tools available in the market. Once you’ve shortlisted potential vendors, delve deeper into each, comparing their features, capabilities, license pricing models, customer reviews and community support. This comprehensive comparison will provide valuable insights into each vendor’s offerings and help you make an informed decision aligned with your testing requirements and budget constraints.

Building your test automation framework

A well-structured test automation framework is crucial for organizing your tests and simplifying the maintenance of your automation efforts. Here’s a step-by-step guide to building an effective test automation framework:

1. Define the Architecture

Start by defining the architecture of your test automation framework. This involves deciding on the structure and components, such as:

  • Modular Approach: Break down your application into smaller, manageable modules. Create reusable functions or methods for each module to avoid redundancy.
  • Layered Architecture: Separate different concerns into layers, such as test logic, business logic, and data access. This separation enhances clarity and maintainability.

2. Create Reusable Methods

Now, when you’re setting up a framework, you start by creating some basic reusable methods. These are like building blocks that you can use over and over again in different tests. As you go along, you can gradually develop more specific methods for different parts of your software, based on what’s most important to test. The basic reusable methods are as follows:

  • Generic: Capable of being used across multiple test cases without modification.
  • Simple: Easy to understand and implement, promoting better collaboration among team members.

3.  Maintain Configuration and Test Data Separately

It’s essential to keep configurations and test data separate from the actual test scripts. Here’s why:

  • Flexibility: Configurations and test data often change. Keeping them separate allows for easy updates without modifying the test scripts.
  • Clean Structure: A clean separation prevents clutter in your test scripts, making them easier to read and maintain.

4. Implement Logging and Reporting

Incorporate comprehensive logging and reporting mechanisms to track the execution of your tests and capture detailed information on failures. Effective logging and reporting help in:

  • Debugging: Quickly identifying and diagnosing issues.
  • Analysis: Providing insights into test results and trends over time.

5. Integrate with Version Control

Version control integration is vital for tracking changes and collaborating effectively. Ensure your framework is integrated with version control systems like Git. This allows:

  • Collaboration: Multiple team members can work on the same framework without conflicts.
  • History Tracking: You can revert to previous versions if needed, facilitating better control over your test scripts.

6. Ensure Scalability

You should always be ready for your evolving application. Design your framework that has room for scalability. As your application grows, your framework should be able to accommodate new tests and functionalities without major rework. Consider:

  • Parallel Execution: Support for running tests in parallel to reduce execution time.
  • Extensibility: Ease of adding new test cases and components.

7. Stakeholder Involvement

It’s best to keep stakeholders and other testers in the feedback loop while developing an automation framework. This works well as you get input on change requests in the early stages, saving time and costs associated with back-to-back revisions and discussions.

Benefits of Stakeholder Involvement:

  • Early Feedback: Identifying and addressing issues early in the development process.
  • Alignment: Ensuring the framework meets the needs and expectations of all stakeholders.

8. Continuous Improvement

Finally, continually improve your test automation framework. Regularly review and update it based on feedback, new requirements, and technological advancements. This iterative approach ensures your framework remains effective and up to date.

Building a scalable test automation framework for your project

Integrating with CI/CD pipeline

Think of deploying your automated tests into a CI/CD pipeline as setting up a safety net for your code. By hooking your tests into the pipeline, you’re automatically running tests every time someone makes changes to the code. This means any issues or bugs get spotted early on, so you can fix them right away. It helps keep your code quality high and speeds up how quickly you can roll out updates. Popular tools like Jenkins, CircleCI, and GitLab CI/CD make this integration a breeze!

Measure ROI of your automation

To really understand how automation pays off, you need to look at the measurable benefits. That’s where Return on Investment (ROI) comes into play. Essentially, you want to compare how much you’re gaining from test automation against how much it’s costing you. This is usually done over a period of time and is expressed as a percentage or ratio:

ROI = (Benefits – Costs) / Costs * 100%

The benefits and costs of test automation can be measured in various ways, depending on the goals and metrics of the Quality Assurance (QA) process such as reducing the time to market, improving quality, and reducing the number of defects.

When it comes to completing software projects, the insights of both technical and domain experts are invaluable. If your organization does not have enough quality engineers to spear head in-house testing, outsourcing could be a solution. Zuci has a strong team of test automation experts who can provide you with specialized knowledge and effective mentorship. Take a look at our comprehensive testing offerings.

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