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What Are The Different Types Of Manual Testing?

Lead Marketing Strategist

An INFJ personality wielding brevity in speech and writing.

For successful software development, testing is a must-do activity. Before you release the product, you want most of the major bugs fixed and any errors erased, without testing, it isn’t possible. While automated testing saves you a lot of time, there is no underestimating the power of manual testing. In this article, we are going to look at the different types of manual testing and the kind of difference which each of them make when conducted efficiently.

Let us look at the manual testing types:

#1 Cross-browser testing:

A website will not look the same on every browser. They will respond differently and render the web page based on its own interpretation. This is why Cross Browser Testing becomes important as it is used to find out if there is a consistent experience across all the browsers.

It checks for the accessibility, design, functionality and responsiveness of the website or application. It is best to do cross browser testing at the end of the development cycle so you can see how the core functionality is displayed on different browsers. Cross browser testing is usually conducted by the QA team and designers.

#2 Acceptance Testing:

Acceptance Testing or User Acceptance Testing (UAT) shows how closely the application works according to the expectations of the user. It is usually performed only when all the bugs have been debugged. When UAT is conducted, the product should be market-ready as it will help you get a clear idea of how the application will work for the end users. It should be done by an actual end user of the product, as it will help them come up with better user-related deficiencies, if any.

#3 Unit Testing:

It is the testing of individual units with each unit being the smallest testable part of the software. Unit testing employs white box testing method and is performed with the help of a programming language. Before handing the application to the QA, the developers should do unit testing on the software. Since you use a modular approach for unit testing, your code becomes reusable.

#4 Integration Testing:

It is performed when different components and modules of the software are integrated together, and is usually performed after unit testing. It verifies the functionality, reliability and stability of the modules. It follows a bottom-up approach and a top-down approach.

In the former, we move from the bottom module to the top module where we integrate all the modules and then test them as a whole. In the top-down approach, the testing starts from the top module.

#5 Beta Testing:

It is a standard practice to make the product available to a select few people to gauge their initial reactions, this is called Beta Testing. You can gain valuable insights by letting the end-users make use of the application in real world business situations. After the completion of the testing by internal teams, the product is sent for beta testing.

There are two types of beta testing:

Closed beta testing- At this juncture, the access to the application is only to a few people who have been chosen based on certain characteristics.

Open beta testing- It means anyone can use the software in the unreleased format and take advantage of it. It helps the business to obtain comprehensive feedback from a large group of testers.

#6 Exploratory Testing:

In this type of testing, there are no strict guidelines on how it should be done. Instead, the tester is free to explore the application in any way they deem fit. Exploratory testing can be undertaken during any phase of the development cycle. Since it is not a formal type of testing, it is not usually performed by testers, but by designers, developers, product managers, etc.

#7 Graphical User Interface (GUI) Testing:

User interface is an important parameter that all users judge your product on. If your product does not have a good user interface, the quality of the experience for your user will be limited and unpleasant. GUI testing tests to see if the graphical elements are aligned and are working according to the specific conditions.


Like we have mentioned the type of testing, there are a lot of manual testing types options available and each of them are for different purposes. If you get your testing right, you will be able to deliver a product that is close to what is expected of it, and that’s the whole point. When you are planning a test project, ensure that you have considered the requirements, chosen the right mix of manual testing tools, and possess the technical know-how to conduct it successfully.

Zuci’s software experts will be more than happy to indulge in manual testing for your website or application. We have been helping organizations with our manual and automation testing expertise during every phase of the software development cycle. Reach out to see how we can be of help to you.

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