Architecture Redesign to Optimise the Performance of an RBI-Registered NBFC from India.


A Performance Optimization Case Study:

The client aimed to address critical performance challenges in their partnership lending/co-lending operations, which included optimizing database management due to a substantial increase in size. Further, the client aimed at improving the transaction processing capabilities of their existing application, ensuring compliance with RBI regulations by securing customer data, and achieving overall performance optimization.


Meet Our Client:

The client, an RBI-registered NBFC, has been a key player in the financial inclusion space for over a decade in India. With a diverse business model, they address credit needs for underserved households and businesses. Their focus on efficient access to debt finance involves a robust risk management framework, blending quantitative analytics and qualitative insights. The client operates at scale through an integrated technology system.


Problem Statement:

The client sought an advanced application to streamline partnership lending/co-lending processes across banks, financial institutions, and originators, with the primary goal of creating a unified platform for loan origination, underwriting, disbursement, and collection reconciliation.


The prime concerns of the client were:

  • A rapid increase in the database size (currently around 26TB) necessitated immediate attention due to elevated infrastructure costs and its direct impact on overall system performance.
  • The existing application struggled with large transaction volumes and failed to respond during peak load, impacting business operations and revenue, requiring enhancements in transaction processing capabilities.
  • The existing system also lacked security measures such as encryption of customers’ personal information.

To cope with this, our client required a highly structured execution plan and configuration for high performance scaling of their application. Thus, they sought collaboration with our enterprise architecture services team.


Business Goals:



Our Consultation Phases


Performed health and sustainability check on their system configuration, code structure, database design, infrastructure utilization, logging and audit settings.


Identified gaps in configurations, query performance, connection parameters, physical storage efficiency and infrastructure utilization and propose architectural blueprint for each area.


Roadmap suggestions were made for the optimization of
application and system tasks as part of continuous improvement.



Tech Stack


Key Achievements

API performance improved by


Hardware cost saved by



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