Thought Leadership
Since its inception in the ’90s, test automation has gone through teens, tweens, and twenties. Right from record and playback methodology to Artificial intelligence and machine learning-based automation, its evolution has been fascinating because of the constant debate around its effectiveness. Despite its existence or utility, a few concepts around the topic still puzzle some of us. For instance,
Welcome back to Z to A Pulse, the monthly Zuci Systems newsletter covering the most insightful yet unspoken topics around engineering excellence. Honestly, we’ve been overwhelmed by the response. This is our 3rd edition, and we are already 2,315 subscribers! Thanks for your time and attention.
Welcome back to the second edition of Z to A pulse! In this edition, we plan to nitpick at a widely accepted process that is now gaining popularity as a management fad. Have you ever been at the receiving end of Are you Agile? Or often go around saying – I work in Agile? It looks like it isn’t the effortless and smooth process it claims to be.
As an engineering leader, if your focus so far has only been: Writing executable program in a specific period of time to meet the customer/stakeholders’ needs, Shipping a product that isn’t faulty and works fine, Adhering to the exact product release schedules, …