WebinarsZuci Systems2024-03-08T07:38:39+00:00



Upcoming Webinars

Overcoming Challenges in Co-Lending: How IT Solutions Are Paving the Way Forward

Let’s begin by understanding - what is Co-lending? Co-lending is a collaborative approach where two or more money lenders come together to provide a loan to a borrower. Typically, it is a traditional lender i.e., a bank that partners with a non-banking financial company (NBFC) to provide loans.

Which AI-Powered Test Automation Tool is Right for You?

In the rapidly evolving landscape of software development, testing has transformed from a manual, time-consuming process to a sophisticated, intelligent discipline. As technology continues to push boundaries, artificial intelligence has emerged as a game-changing force in test automation.

How e-commerce can improve efficiency and enhance customer experience in Postal Services

With the coming of e-commerce, the buyers’ market picture has been reconstructed with much bigger space for getting anything and everything within a click. It didn’t stop with that. Through e-commerce, postal services have also undergone a major transformation in terms of agility and speed.

Difference between Star Schema and Snowflake Schema

Database structure is critical during data warehousing in terms of performance, usability and scalability. When it comes to the design of a database, for instance, analytic database systems there are two predominant schema types: star and snowflake.

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